Have you seen people sitting in front of the grocery store, or standing on the street corner, asking for help? We encourage you give them a Manna Meal, which contains food that will feed them for the day, along with water bottles and a Christian note of encouragement.
Gil DeHoyos will be in the parking lot on Sunday, September 6 between 2 and 3 pm, so that when you bring foods to contribute to our “Greet and Give” event, you may also buy a Manna Meal or two, to have handy in your car for the next time you need it. The cost for each Manna Meal is $5 – please bring cash (correct change is helpful), or you may write a check payable to FPCSL to cover the cost of your Manna Meal(s).
There are other food ministries in our community that are equipped to help people with their needs, including food, medical referrals, job training, and more. Here are a few of these resources:
- Davis Street Family Resource Center
- Alameda County Community Food Bank
- April Showers
- All Saints Episcopal Church Food Pantry
Also, please DO NOT give people money who come to the church on Sunday mornings and ask for a hand out. Again, this is not helpful and only en- courages further such requests. Often money given goes to sup- port an alcohol or drug addiction, so your “help” turns out to be counter-productive. Instead, find them a brochure about available community resources (which is available in the church narthex by the usher station). Thank you.