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Summer Mid-Week Study “Is That in the Bible?” begins June 12th

Join us on Wednesdays on the church patio under the shade of pop-up tents for a fun and engaging study about what IS in the Bible and what we think is but ISN’T. Come early at 6:00 p.m. to wander over to the Farmers’ Market at the Library and pick up some fresh flowers, produce or even something to eat for dinner. We’ll gather together on the patio and start our study at 6:30 pm.

Part 1: June 12th - July 10th - Old Testament

Part 2: July 31st - August 28th - New Testament

Summer Sermon Series – Character Matters 

This summer our worship is focusing on biblical characters. There are so many to choose from - from saints to adversaries. Each Sunday we will look at a character from the Bible and look at what matters about them. Why is Abraham the father of nations? How did the prostitute Rahab save a people? What’s so special about the Hebrew prophets like Jeremiah and Micah? How did people such as Cornelius and Lydia help expand the early church’s notions of who belongs to the way of Jesus? Why is Barnabas a model character for us in the church to follow? 

June Sundays:

June 2: Jacob and Esau                                 *June 23rd: Young David      

June 9: Rahab                                                *June 30th: Jeremiah

*June 16: Ruth and Naomi

*Summer Sermon Talk-back: On Sundays throughout the summer when there is not a meal or special program following worship, Pastor Renée will offer further discussion of the Bible character and the questions that are raised for our lives in the Fireside Room from 11 - Noon. Come add to the discussion and further explore What and Why Character Matters! June 16, 23 and 30

All COVID Protocols Lifted and Sunday Attendance Stations Eliminated

In April, Session voted to lift all remaining church COVID protocols beginning on May 1. This includes the elimination of worship attendance check-in and the prohibition of the choir sitting in the choir loft. In May we will once again use attendance pads in the pews.

Of course, mask wearing will always be acceptable and those who choose to do so will be respected and supported.

NEW Sunday Morning Study: The Cup of Our Life

Continuing Our Journey of Abundance with daily prayer and reflection
Begins Sunday April 7

How is your prayer life going? If you’re like me, it goes in cycles, and sometimes I need a new focus to enrich my spiritual life. If you are at a place like this, or simply would like to try something different, you are invited to engage with Joyce Rupp’s book The Cup of Our Life, which is a seven-week program for spiritual growth. Rupp uses the image of the cup as the container for our lives, and noticing that when our cup is full, it needs to be emptied so that something else can be put into it. The book is a guide for six weeks of prayer with a different focus each week. There are daily readings, invitations to meditation, prayers and questions for journaling and art.

Solo journey: Some of you may simply want to buy the book and follow the guide on your own.

Sunday Morning Class: Begins April 7 for Seven Weeks in the Fireside Room
Some of you may find gathering each week for reflection with others on this journey a way to enrich your experience.

We have ordered a limited number of books. Sign-up in Fellowship Hall for a book, and indicate whether you want to go solo, or join the weekly class. The cost of the book is $15.00, scholarships available. You can also individually order this book as an eBook.

– Pastor Renée


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