This summer our worship is focusing on biblical characters. There are so many to choose from – from saints to adversaries. Each Sunday we will look at a character from the Bible and look at what matters about them. Why is Abraham the father of nations? How did the prostitute Rahab save a people? What’s so special about the Hebrew prophets like Jeremiah and Micah? How did people such as Cornelius and Lydia help expand the early church’s notions of who belongs to the way of Jesus? Why is Barnabas a model character for us in the church to follow?
June Sundays:
June 2: Jacob and Esau *June 23rd: Young David
June 9: Rahab *June 30th: Jeremiah
*June 16: Ruth and Naomi
*Summer Sermon Talk-back: On Sundays throughout the summer when there is not a meal or special program following worship, Pastor Renée will offer further discussion of the Bible character and the questions that are raised for our lives in the Fireside Room from 11 – Noon. Come add to the discussion and further explore What and Why Character Matters! June 16, 23 and 30