Fellowship Groups
On-site Events
Joining a fellowship group is a great way to meet new people and get involved in an activity you enjoy. Contact us for more information and meeting times.
Children & Junior Highs
Wonders on Wednesday (WOW)
WOW is the midweek ministry program for children and youth on Wednesdays from 4 – 7 p.m. Each week includes fun, fellowship, dinner, and a Biblical truth about who we are as Children of God. Each regular week of WOW focuses on a different letter of the alphabet. The last Wednesday of each month families, friends and the congregation are invited to join the children and youth for a special holiday themed evening.
High Schoolers
PEAK Fellowship
The purpose of PEAK is to embrace high school students with the love of God, and to guide and encourage all to love, worship and serve Jesus in their daily lives. Peak meets on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm during the school year.
Women’s Fellowship Breakfast
The Women’s Breakfast group meets 7:30 a.m., the 1st Saturday of the month in Fellowship Hall. All women in the church and community are welcome to this time of fellowship. The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is held at the same time – all men are welcome!
Prayer Shawl Ministry, With Hearts and Hands
This crafting group meets once a month for fellowship and sharing tools and ideas. All small crafters are welcome. Meetings are on the Second Sunday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.
Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study
The Men’s Breakfast group meets 7:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month in the Fellowship Hall All men in the church and community are welcome to this time of fellowship and study! The Women’s Fellowship Breakfast is held at the same time.
Young At Heart
Young at Heart is a fellowship group for seniors at First Presbyterian Church. Come and join us for a delicious luncheon followed by interesting programs! We meet every third Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m. (except June, July and August). Check out the themes and dates on the Young at Heart page.
All-Church Events
All Church Events during the year include an annual Palm Sunday Breakfast, an All-Church Spaghetti Dinner in April or May, including wonderful music entertainment, an All-Church Picnic at Lake Chabot Park on the second Sunday of September, and an All-Church Retreat at Westminster Woods on the second weekend of October. Outings are planned to the theatre, craft days are hosted in Fellowship Hall, and work parties are scheduled to support ministries including Harbor House and Habitat building days. Everyone is invited to these fellowship events during the year!
GROUPS At a Glance
Wonders On Wednesday
PEAK Fellowship
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Young At Heart
Children & Junior Highs
Wonders on Wednesday (WOW)
High Schoolers
PEAK Fellowship
Women's Bible Study
Women's Fellowship Breakfast
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Mary Martha Circle
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
Young At Heart
Church Family Fellowship